Member Assistance Program

The DC Dental Society has partnered with AllOne Health to provide an Assistance Program to help you, your staff and members of your household reduce stress, improve mental health, and make life easier by connecting you to the right information, resources, and referrals. This benefit is made available to all DCDS members free with your membership as a thank you.

AllOne Health offers a range of services, many of which are listed below. Support is available 24/7/365 through the Member Portal, toll free number and online chat.

Every AllOne Health benefit that you use is confidential.  That means that no one, including the DC Dental Society, will know that you are using the services. Your information will not be shared with anyone. A listing of many of services, free to you with your DCDS membership is provided below.

To obtain the phone number or link to access this benefit, visit our page Access the Member Assistance Program.

Member Assistance Program Flyer