Help the DC Dental Society defeat a proposal to require all specialist dentists practicing in the District to obtain a specialty license. Add you signature to our member-sign on letter by submitting the short form below. You can read the DCDS member sign-on letter here.

The Dental Specialties Licensure and Scope of Practice Amendment Act of 2023 (B25-0632) would:

  • Require all specialist dentists to obtain a specialty license.
  • Require all specialist dentists to be board certified to be eligible to obtain the specialty license.

Additional information is available on our Summary page.

We are asking all specialist dentists and their allies to co-sign the DCDS letter that will be delivered to the DC Council Committee on Health. 


If you are a specialist dentist and have not yet completed our short survey on dental specialties, please take a moment to submit the survey now. It will only take about 30 seconds and will help us to confirm the proportion of specialist dentists who are not board certified. Take Survey on Specialist Dentists.

If you are not a resident of DC and have a practice in DC, please enter the address for your practice.

If you are unsure, you can look up your ward here:

I affirm that I wish to add my name as a cosigner of the DC Dental Society letter on the Dental Specialties Licensure and Scope of Practice Amendment Act of 2023 (B25-0632).